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  • How do I order a comission paintjob?
    Click on our "Contact Us" page on the top banner. There, you can submit an email to us. Please include the number of models, model names and manufacturer (or dimensions of the models, if you don't know), and anything special you may wish to add beyond basic colors (such as names written on the base, lightning effects on a sword, etc.). We usually respond within three business days.
  • Where is the shop?
    Our shop tab is labeled "Store" on the top banner of the page. If it's not there, it means our shop is down for maintenance. It should be back up soon. We apologize for any inconvenience.
  • What happens if the paintjob costs more than you thought?
    Estimating prices for commission painting can be hard. We have to take into account: * The time it takes to paint the miniature to the quality and specifications you have. * The price of materials such as paints, brushes, and basing bits. * The time it will take to take photos and communicate with you to ensure your satisfaction. * The time to unpack, assemble (if needed), prime, pack, and ship your models back. Because of this, there are many ways the cost could add up. We offer our best estimates up front, and if the price increases later, we WON'T ask for more. You pay up front once, and that's it.
  • What if I don't like my painted miniature?
    We stay in contact with you throughout the entire painting process. We'll make sure we understand what you want before paint even touches your model, and that you know the price you'll have to pay. At each stage of the process (color blocking, shade and highlight, details) we will send you pictures and ask for your feedback and corrections. Once we're done, we'll send you final photos. You'll need to okay these before we send the model back to you. This way, we ensure each customer is happy and you never have to return the model for corrections.
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